
Tackling Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Conflict-ridden Donbass, Ukraine
Diseases & Illnesses, Security & Human Rights Neha Malhotra, Matthew Yau, Padmaja Sreeram, & Ramachandiran Sethuraman Diseases & Illnesses, Security & Human Rights Neha Malhotra, Matthew Yau, Padmaja Sreeram, & Ramachandiran Sethuraman

Tackling Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Conflict-ridden Donbass, Ukraine

Tuberculosis (TB), an airborne infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis), has plagued mankind for centuries. Although TB is no longer an immediate threat to the developed world, it disproportionately affects low-income countries and regions of conflict because its root causes stem from social inequity…

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Lead Poisoning: A Review
Diseases & Illnesses Abtin Parnia Diseases & Illnesses Abtin Parnia

Lead Poisoning: A Review

The crisis in Flint, Michigan, has brought lead poisoning to the forefront of North American public health discourse. However, as one of the oldest hazards known to public health, lead has been studied extensively, and numerous policies have been implemented to reduce exposure to lead…

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Banning “Bad” Blood: Reconsidering Blood Donation Policies
Diseases & Illnesses, Policy & Practice Jerico Espinas Diseases & Illnesses, Policy & Practice Jerico Espinas

Banning “Bad” Blood: Reconsidering Blood Donation Policies

On November 4, France changed its blood donation policies by lifting the lifetime ban that prevented men who have sex with men (MSM) from donating blood. In 2016, MSM will be able to donate blood and plasma if they have not engaged in sexual activity with another man for 12 months and 4 months respectively…

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Ebola in Context: Lessons Learned from the Ebola Crisis

Ebola in Context: Lessons Learned from the Ebola Crisis

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa shared similarities with many previous outbreaks. The paradigm to address it has been predictable, but what made this outbreak fundamentally different is how it rocked the foundations of global health governance on many levels including World Health Organizations, national governments and non-governmental organizations…

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